Tag: connection

From the Minister – November 2024

The poster outside our sanctuary signifies that we are a UUA “Welcoming Congregation.” It means that UUCTS did the work to certify that we are a welcoming place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. At a time when there is so much unwelcome and discrimination, we proudly affirm that ALL of who you are is sacred here, and ALL of who you are is welcome.

From the Minister – October 2024

The poster outside our sanctuary signifies that we are a UUA “Welcoming Congregation.” It means that UUCTS did the work to certify that we are a welcoming place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. At a time when there is so much unwelcome and discrimination, we proudly affirm that ALL of who you are is sacred here, and ALL of who you are is welcome.

Longing to Connect?

There is a great need during this time of physical distancing to connect with one another in meaningful ways. Our church community offers multiple ways to get involved. Whether you are comfortable meeting virtually or prefer email or phone, there are opportunities for you to join our network of friendship and caring. Please contact us to let … Continue reading Longing to Connect?