Coloring Pages by Karen Strohbeen

The act of creating art can be meditative and freeing.

UUCTS member and artist, Karen Strohbeen, shares spirited drawings of plants and animals guaranteed to make you smile. You are invited to download and print a coloring sheet.

Two Birds and a Tree colored White Gentian colored Animals at Play Colored

Night Flower colored

Downloadable Coloring Sheets

Select a coloring sheet to load the printable PDF.

Animals at Play

Animals at Play coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen


Gentian coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Grazing Animal

Grazing Animal coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Night Flower

Night Flower coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Nine Tulips

Nine Tulips coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Roots with Leaves

Roots with Leaves coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Singing Bird

Singing Bird coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Tree with Flowers

Tree with Flowers coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Striped Animal with Dog & Leaves

Striped Animal with Dog and Leaves coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Two Birds and a Tree

Two Birds and a Tree coloring sheet by Karen Strohbeen

Need Motivation

Take a peek at a little animation of all the fun ways you can color!

arrow to the right

Animals at Play animated GIF of colored versions