From the Minister – August

From the Minister

This summer has been moving so quickly, likely in part because of the work I have been doing, serving our faith in new ways. I was a Co-Lead of the Chaplain Team for our annual General Assembly in June. This was the first time I had ever volunteered for GA. It was an intense experience and overall I am grateful for having had the opportunity. If you're interested in watching the two times I had the chance to speak before the gathered body (we had more than 4000 registrants!), they are here: (I'm speaking from 34:39-38:45) and also (I'm speaking from 27:07-31:45).

The other opportunity this summer was serving on the Ministry Team of the Central East Region's Summer Institute. The Central East Region is my home region, and it was lovely to get to see folks I hadn't seen in quite a while, as well as get to meet new ones. It was a great opportunity to connect with more UUs, including lots of lay people, UUA staff, and colleagues.

After a week of vacation, I have been back and am working on planning for the coming year. Lots of ideas are rolling around in my mind and I'm hoping that we will be trying some new things again together this year. I am looking forward to us offering Covenant Group(s) again, and hope that you'll consider joining one. We are going to be doing some new things with stewardship -- I'm not entirely sure exactly what yet, but I have some ideas. And there's much more to co-create. We will also be working to build leadership and connection across the congregation.

If you have an interest or curiosity for serving, please know that we don't expect everyone to know everything. Leadership development is so important for having a healthy, thriving congregation. Please reach out to me if there's something you'd like to explore -- and also don't be surprised if you get a message from me asking you to consider an opportunity!

If you'd like to reach out: or 330-968-8692 (or 727-279-5992 for local calls).

In faith and service, Rev. Kristina Spaude


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