From the Minister – April

Minister's Monthly Message

Registrations for our annual General Assembly opened in January. I have never volunteered for General Assembly before but decided I was interested in doing so this year as a way to both serve our faith as well as grow my skills. Every opportunity for volunteering, I've offered myself, and expect to have some news to share soon about how I will be serving. The conference will be entirely online again this year, and I'd love for you to join me -- even if you choose only to join in the "open to the public" pieces. You can register for and find out more information about General Assembly here:  The theme this year is Circle 'Round.

And because there is much energy in our faith around dismantling white supremacy and centering marginalized and oppressed folks, I was asked earlier this month to participate in a working group to restructure and possibly reorganize our disability justice organization, EqUUal Access. We are exploring how to take the recommendations from the Commission on Institutional Change to the UUA to "support the long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism," and apply them to this setting. I have been participating in a group of ministers of small congregations to support each other as we try to implement the recommendations, and am excited that EqUUal Access is also exploring how to do this -- and to be part of these conversations. More information about the Commission begins here: and the final report, called Widening the Circle of Concern, can be found here:

Here at UUCTS, things continue to be going really well, as far as I can tell. The Board is continuing to work toward greater shared leadership and taking on more of the responsibilities our outgoing Board President Kathy has held for some time. We have a great team serving and I want to recognize that. Movement continues with our new church management software, Breeze, which is being utilized more by our leaders, and we should be doing a more general rollout in the near future. A small committee of folks dedicated to Faith Formation for children is coming together, which will support Jami and our children in programming and other ways. Spiritual growth opportunities for adults are on the horizon, I hope if we can get some people to commit to (co?) leading programs. And, as always, there is lots more going on.

It is a joy to be here with you, even with this pandemic. I am so grateful for the ways you have all kept safe so far and trust this will continue. I am so grateful for your willingness and courage to wonder and learn.

As we leave our theme of courage, we head into the theme of wholeness for April. It's fun to be part of how each theme unfolds across the congregation each month! As usual, we have guest ministers lined up and I am looking forward to the services they offer us. It has been a gift to invite so many ministers from all across Unitarian Universalism to our pulpit this year and to support their ministries. I look forward to seeing you Sunday mornings or whenever!

If you'd like to reach out: or 330-968-8692 (or 727-279-5992 for local calls).

In faith and service, Rev. Kristina Spaude

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