From the Minister – January 2025
Winter Solstice Blessing and give thanks to the world for the light and darkness, the warmth and chill. Maybe it will resonate with you, wherever you are during the holiday season or will begin the new year.
Winter Solstice Blessing and give thanks to the world for the light and darkness, the warmth and chill. Maybe it will resonate with you, wherever you are during the holiday season or will begin the new year.
Nature always seems to come through with direction and healing. There is wisdom in knowing when to head toward stillness and reflection, and when to reemerge.
The poster outside our sanctuary signifies that we are a UUA “Welcoming Congregation.” It means that UUCTS did the work to certify that we are a welcoming place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. At a time when there is so much unwelcome and discrimination, we proudly affirm that ALL of who you are is sacred here, and ALL of who you are is welcome.
The poster outside our sanctuary signifies that we are a UUA “Welcoming Congregation.” It means that UUCTS did the work to certify that we are a welcoming place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. At a time when there is so much unwelcome and discrimination, we proudly affirm that ALL of who you are is sacred here, and ALL of who you are is welcome.
My promise is that I will be open minded and open hearted. I will travel with you in this journey and strive to be a minister who listens deeply and helps bring healing and hope to this faith community and in outreach to our neighbors near and far. Our living UU tradition, with love at its center, is so needed in the world.
As we enter this new chapter, we look to combine our gifts in creative ways. Shared ministry is not a totally new idea to us, but we are counting on new energy to fuel our work so that our “beacon of liberal religion” may truly shine.
A final message and update with Rev. Kristina Spaude with the UUCTS community.
A final message and update with Rev. Kristina Spaude with the UUCTS community.
June’s spiritual theme is Renewal. I’ve been thinking of this as a way for you to renew your relationships with each other and with the congregation as a whole. There will be some initiatives rolling out over the summer and into the fall that will be asking you to commit to the work of making this congregation the best it can be. May your yeses be enthusiastic and many!
Sunday, June 16th will be Rev. Kristina’s last day in the pulpit as she concludes her four-year stint as our part-time minister in Tarpon Springs. Please join us in expressing appreciation for her contributions to UUCTS and extending congratulations and best wishes.